Creative Writer


For the past several years, I have studied and practiced the art of combining prose with storytelling soundscapes. This work exists as part of my ongoing practice being, what I call, a sonic storyteller.


For Dark Figures Soundscapes

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Because the myth is and will always be concerned with it. Because the telling is just as much about the tale as the actual words.
— Excerpt from "The Intro"

Sonic Storytelling

While developing my thesis manuscript of the same name, I realized that I wanted my work to live in more ways beyond just the page. Thus, I decided that I wanted my project to continue in another way. My portfolio site will feature a blend of written prose from my manuscript along with music to create a soundscape for the work. This process, not only allows for the audience to follow the written prose, but will open an entire experience of storytelling through a new medium.


The Orator’s Intro

The Orator guides the (re)telling of the myth that is Blackness. Through this critical introduction, hear the tale of the first original historian, archivist and storyteller.